Monday, May 19, 2008

Vegas, Anyone?

What Happens In The Attic Stays In The Attic!

This past Saturday, my girlfriends and I were kicking back, enjoying some fruity cocktails at an outdoor cafe when it hit me–

“I need a girls-only getaway,” I said. “Something exciting. Something to make me feel like I’m 23 again.” They all looked at each other, smirking.
“VEGAS!!!” they screamed.
“Oh, no no no....,” I said, “I’m not the Vegas type!”

“We’ll see about that,” Kelley smirked, “But first–maybe you should go to the movies!”

Next thing I knew, she was buying me a ticket to What Happens In Vegas.

It’s amazing how huge Cameron Diaz has become. When There’s Something About Mary came out, she proved her skill at pratfalls and slapstick despite being a goddess.

She takes her goofy gal persona to new heights in What Happens and–dare I say–conjures fleeting moments of Lucille Ball. Trust me, I wouldn’t throw that comparison around lightly.

Ashton Kutcher matches her manic pace, resulting in one raucous spitfire of a film. Perhaps someday we’ll look back at the Ultimate Comedy Greats and see their names added to the list?

I’ll tell you one thing though: until I saw that movie I never had the slightest desire to go to Vegas. Call me a fuddy-duddy and a stick-in-the-mud, but the bright lights, slot machines, and feather boas never called my name.

However, after seeing the “nightclub scene” in which (don’t worry–no spoilers) Diaz and Kutcher turn partying into an extreme sport, I really want to go now!

After I got home from the movie, I ran up to The Attic and fished out one of our Light-Up Las Vegas Signs and put it on my dresser. And if you could see me, you’d observe that I’ve switched from my standard black tote bag (in use since 2004) to a totally awesome Elvis Las Vegas Purse!

Because if you’re gonna party, party with The King!

I don’t know when I’m going. Or what–exactly–I’ll do when I get there. All I know is that this (cough cough, “23 year-old”) gal still has a few wild and crazy nights left in her!

Anybody have any tips for a Vegas newbie?

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