Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Count Your Coins!

Tax Day Is April 15th!

How’s it going with your income tax returns?
Have you reached the point of total insanity yet?

I managed to get mine finished online last week, but it took a lot of rearranging of errands, schedules and priorities to rifle through my oh-so-organized shoe boxes full of files and paperwork. Still, once I hit that “send my return to the IRS” button, I let out an enormous sigh of relief!

If our maddening modern-day system has you pining for days of old when two sheep bought you some gunpowder and a petticoat, travel back in time with our collection of vintage coin sets!

The Declaration of Independence Coin Set would make John Adams and Thomas Jefferson proud. Three bicentennial coins honoring America’s 200th birthday are presented alongside a beautifully crafted facsimile of the Declaration of Independence.

Still too modern for you?

How about the Ancient Coins Kit? It includes 5 unrestored coins minted from 1500 to over 2000 years ago. Buried for centuries, these pieces were coin of the realm during the last years of the Roman Empire and there’s not a W-2 in sight!

And who couldn’t use a little Sunken Treasure? In 1985, coins from a perished 1809 British trading ship meant for the East India Company were discovered, packed in wooden casks and trapped in the thick mud, still in mint condition! They feature the coat of arms of the East India Company on the front and the value in Indian script on the reverse!

I’m already planning for next year with my Lionel Railroad Crossing Bank. Oh sure, I’m pretending it’s for the kids to “teach them the value of money.” But it’s so much fun with its 2 red flashing signal lights and real whistle sounds, we’re keeping it in the family room to remind the whole family to save our pennies.

That way, when tax time rolls around next year and I’m tearing through my shoe boxes full of files, I’ll know I have enough saved-up to treat myself to a pedicure once the deed is done!

Good luck and hang in there!

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