Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Betty's Big Batch of Boop!

Take A Sneaky Peeky At Our Betty BoopTM Exclusives!

Here at work on this hectic Friday Before Labor Day, as everyone scambled to make sure everything was in its perfect place before the 3-day weekend of BBQs, football and sleeping-in, I decided to climb the little-known secret staircase that led to the attic of The Attic®!

Upstairs, tucked behind the vintage dolls, retro games, kitschy kitchen stuff, iconic T-shirts, and all of our other mega-fantastic finds, there’s a giant wooden wardrobe...not unlike that other magical wardrobe from a certain children’s story...

As I opened its creaky, hinged door, the Attic filled with a golden glow—for inside was our Exclusive Collection of beautiful Betty Boop goodies that you can only find here at Betty’s Attic®!

Yes, that jazzy little minx who’s been boop-oop-a-dooping since the 1930’s makes her permanent home with us and if you can think of something fun for your home, we’ve got it with her bright green eyes and spit curls adorning it somewhere, somehow.

Consider this a VIP-invitation—from us to you—for a First Class trip inside the magic wardrobe where you’ll find the Boop Chalkboard, the Christmas Cake Stand, the Aluminum Martini Shaker and Martini Glasses, the Light-up Sweatshirt (with lights that really flash!) and so much more!

These Exclusives are created just for Betty’s Attic®, you won’t find them anywhere else!

So after the last paper plate gets tossed in the trash and you’ve mopped the mustard off your chin, flip on the computer and relax with the gal who reminds us to keep a wink and a wiggle in our walk, no matter what decade it is!

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