Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Generation They Called “X”

Nirvana’s Nevermind Released Sept. 24th, 1991

There are certain things that make your Aunt Betty feel her age: buying a nice sauvignon blanc and not being asked for ID; accepting that “misses” fashions are never as cool as “20-something” fashions; not knowing who most of the bands on MTV are these days (causing laughter and ridicule from my kids)...and the list goes on!

But when I realized it’s now been over 15 years since Nirvana’s Nevermind album came out, I really felt the cobwebs starting to settle. I vividly remember the first time I heard “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” I was driving home from work, tires hugging a winding curve, when the local DJ announced he was going to play “a song from a new alternative band with a lot of buzz.” I already knew who Nirvana were, and owned their first album, Bleach, but figured they’d remain under the radar like so many other “indie” bands of that era.

The minute I heard the opening guitar riff to “Teen Spirit” I knew the world was about to change.

Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic had unleashed all the fear and frustration we wayward Gen X kids had felt since 1983. At least those of us who were more like The Breakfast Club’s free-thinking John Bender than the sushi-eating Claire.

Every generation has its musical lightning rods: Sinatra, Lennon and McCartney, Bowie, Bono. What made Cobain one of these is that 16 years later, “Come As You Are,” “Lithium,” “Heart Shaped Box,” and one of my personal favorites, “Pennyroyal Tea” all sound just as exciting (and a tad unnerving) as they did a decade ago.

That “lightning in a bottle” effect is what turns melancholy musicians from Aberdeen, Washington into icons, even when most of their music cautioned against the very concept.

So, for all of you Gen X-ers out there, take a moment and remember the first time you heard Nevermind. Because it influenced everything you’re hearing today.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Get Ready For Rudolph!

The 1964 Rankin/Bass Classic Is Just As Much Fun Today!

Hands up—who still believes in The Island of Misfit Toys?

Whether you’re a child of the ‘60s, the ‘70s or the proud parent of your own child, Rudolph The Red-Nosed ReindeerTM should be viewed at least once every holiday season. Why? Because it brings back memories of sledding all day long, bundled-up in puffy snow suits, barely able to navigate through thick mittens. And later, coming home to hot chocolate as your Christmas tree lights twinkled on and off in the background, fresh pine in the air as Mom took cookies out of the oven.

What sets this telling of the classic ugly duckling tale apart from the countless other versions is the magic of Rankin/Bass and their ability to create unforgettable characters from the painstaking process of stop-motion animation. Recently revisited by Tim Burton in his Nightmare Before Christmas feature, in 1964 stop-motion was still pretty revolutionary.

Basically, it involves arranging 3-D objects (usually puppets) into poses and then shooting them frame by frame—only moving them a tiny distance each time. Frames are edited together to create the illusion that the puppets are actually walking, dancing, flying, etc.

It’s truly an art form to be appreciated by film fans. But for kids, it was pure magic to watch Sam The Snowman glide across glistening ponds, Santa’s sleigh take flight and King Moonracer welcome Rudolph and his friends to The Island of Misfit Toys (King Moonracer is still my personal favorite character next to The Bumble).

So have a “Holly Jolly Christmas” and start counting down the days to “The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year’ with our brand-new Rudolph items, the Singing Rudolph Ornament Set (playing songs from the TV special) and our exclusive Jim Shore figurines of Sam The Snowman, Santa With Rudolph, and The Bumble.

But don’t stop there! We also have a T-shirt, musical mugs and more!

So what if it’s September? Be a kid again and start getting hopped-up for the holidays now! Just remember to take your mittens off before you surf the web!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sweet Strawberry Shortcake

Over 25 Years Later, She’s Still Our Gal!

When I heard that Strawberry Shortcake was returning to Saturday Morning cartoons, I ran straight for my Scented Plush Doll and took a long yummy whiff of her strawberry-scented hair!

Originally created for American Greetings back in 1977, the ’80s belonged to Strawberry and her pals! With over 21 additional characters added between 1980–1984, every little girl from Causality to Syracuse pulled on her mother’s hem, begging for these plush cuddly dolls with soft yarn hair scented to match their names! And with names like Raspberry TartTM, Apple Dumplin’TM and Huckleberry PieTM, who could resist a sniff or two? Even the villains had names to make you drool: The Peculiar Purple Pie ManTM, Raisin CaneTM, Licorice WhipTM(2005)...Hello! Where was Brussels Sprouts Man or The Green Bean Goblin? THEY would've been scary!

Slated for debut Saturday, September 15th as part of CBS’s new KEWLopolisTM block of animated kids’ fare, Strawberry Shortcake makes yet another comeback, introducing herself to a whole new generation of girls. You can be sure your Aunt Betty will be up extra-early this Saturday with her coffee and English Muffin (not a Strawberry Shortcake character, btw) to see what imaginative adventures our sweet-scented heroine gets into this time!

While we wait for Saturday, treat yourself to the warm fuzzies of nostalgia! In addition to the aforementioned Scented Plush Strawberry Shortcake, we also have two unbelievably adorable dolls from Marie Osmond’s highly-collectible Tiny Tot series: Strawberry Shortcake Tiny Tot and Blueberry Muffin Tiny Tot!

And check back in October because rumor has it we’ll be adding the Lemon Meringue Tiny Tot to that scrumptious collection!Until then, I'll be here, fantasizing about a big giant bowl of Count Chocula®...

Betty's Big Batch of Boop!

Take A Sneaky Peeky At Our Betty BoopTM Exclusives!

Here at work on this hectic Friday Before Labor Day, as everyone scambled to make sure everything was in its perfect place before the 3-day weekend of BBQs, football and sleeping-in, I decided to climb the little-known secret staircase that led to the attic of The Attic®!

Upstairs, tucked behind the vintage dolls, retro games, kitschy kitchen stuff, iconic T-shirts, and all of our other mega-fantastic finds, there’s a giant wooden wardrobe...not unlike that other magical wardrobe from a certain children’s story...

As I opened its creaky, hinged door, the Attic filled with a golden glow—for inside was our Exclusive Collection of beautiful Betty Boop goodies that you can only find here at Betty’s Attic®!

Yes, that jazzy little minx who’s been boop-oop-a-dooping since the 1930’s makes her permanent home with us and if you can think of something fun for your home, we’ve got it with her bright green eyes and spit curls adorning it somewhere, somehow.

Consider this a VIP-invitation—from us to you—for a First Class trip inside the magic wardrobe where you’ll find the Boop Chalkboard, the Christmas Cake Stand, the Aluminum Martini Shaker and Martini Glasses, the Light-up Sweatshirt (with lights that really flash!) and so much more!

These Exclusives are created just for Betty’s Attic®, you won’t find them anywhere else!

So after the last paper plate gets tossed in the trash and you’ve mopped the mustard off your chin, flip on the computer and relax with the gal who reminds us to keep a wink and a wiggle in our walk, no matter what decade it is!